Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I choose cannabis

Some people say it's sad (or bad) that I "need" weed to enjoy my kids. I agree. In a perfect world I would be the mother I want to be - I would enjoy every moment I spend with my kids, I would be happy just to be near them, I would be on top of things and life would be great.

I don't live in a perfect world and I am not a perfect person. I'm human and I have flaws and that's okay. We all have flaws. I have a long history with depression (and even more so since having children). I  have sensory issues  (too much stimulation has a very negative effect on me, too much noise, artificial light, touch, etc causes me to become very overwhelmed), stress and anxiety are also big issues for me. Stress, anxiety, over-stimulation and susceptibility to depression. These are my "issues", my baggage if you will. They are part of who I am.

I could use any number of prescription drugs, I suppose, to manage my problems, but honestly anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs scare me. Side effects are often just as bothersome as the condition being treated, sometimes worse. Also, I  have no love for Big Pharma. Cannabis is natural and harmless. More than that, it has countless health benefits. So I choose to use this beautiful, amazing gift of the Earth rather than compounds of who-knows-what made in a lab by companies that care more about their bottom line than the wellness of their customers. I have faith in the wisdom of my body and the plants provided for us (you could take that in a religious/spiritual context just as easily as you could in an evolutionary context. Being Pagan I adopt both viewpoints simultaneously). I'm not judging anyone who chooses to use pharmaceuticals, we all do what we feel is best to live the best lives possible. I choose cannabis and I'm happy with that choice.

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